5 Things to Remember Before Going Outside in the Cold

Mia Finkelston
Posted on December 29, 2016
5 Things to Remember Before Going Outside in the Cold

Winter weather can be fun, so make sure to play it safe. Dr. Mia Finkelston, who treats patients using LiveHealth Online, gave us 5 tips to remember before going outside in the cold.

  1. Have proper coverage. Make sure you cover areas prone to frostbite such as toes, fingers and nose. Your hair also will feel the effects of the cold weather, so make sure you wear a hat.
  2. Stay hydrated. You need to keep your fluid levels up, especially if you’re outside and staying active because you’ll burn calories and perspire.
  3. Don’t be foolish. Be aware of your surroundings with sled riding and ice skating, such as falling into thin ice.
  4. Stay inside when you’re sick. Being in the cold doesn’t make you sick, but if you’re already getting a cold, your body is susceptible because your body is working harder to stay warm.
  5. Limit your time outside. Try to go outside between 10am and 3pm when the sun is still out. Be sure to take breaks and go inside in the warmth, try a hot cocoa break. Adults 65 andolder should be especially careful, since you’re more likely in a high-risk group. 

Comments and opinions from Dr. Mia Finkelston are hers alone. This is content from an interview and is not considered medical treatment. 

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Photo of Mia Finkelston
Mia Finkelston
Family Physician
20 years of experience
MCP Hahnemann University School of Medicine

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